
Woodland Hills Wills & Trusts Attorney

You have worked hard to establish a life for yourself and your family, but do you know whether or not your wishes will be carried out after you pass? You need certain legal documents that spell out your final wishes so that you can have peace of mind right now. Some of the most important estate planning tools include wills and trusts. At the Law Offices of Andrew Cohen, you can count on our Woodland Hills wills and trusts attorney to guide you through this process and help you prepare these documents.

Choose The Law Offices of Andrew Cohen

  • Attorney Andrew Cohen dedicates his law practice to removing barriers to estate planning, which includes demystifying the wills and trust process for clients.
  • Attorney Cohen has practical experience in both the legal and business arenas and has worked as a licensed attorney since 1997.
  • You will find an experienced, compassionate estate planning attorney in Mr. Cohen. We can help you protect your assets to ensure your personal and family needs are taken care of now and in the years to come.

Why Do You Need A Last Will And Testament

Do you need a will? Well, a will may be sufficient for some people, but the reality is that for most of us, a will is not sufficient to handle our affairs upon death. Regardless of how much wealth you have, proper planning is critical to ensure that you, and not anybody else, get to decide how your assets are handled after you pass away. While a last will and testament can set forth some parts of inheritance wishes or name a guardian for any minor children, it is an insufficient document in many aspects.

Additionally, your estate planning should not be a “set it and forget it” set of documents. You may need to update your estate planning occasionally or frequently (we’re all different!), particularly as you or your family undergo major life changes, see a significant reduction or increase in assets, or if an illness should occur.

Will A Trust Be Beneficial For Your Situation

Most people are familiar with wills, but perhaps not as much with trusts. Trust is a critical tool that allows you to pass down your assets to your loved ones while allowing them to skip the probate process. This is incredibly beneficial, as the probate process often results in the courts making decisions that go against the wishes of the person who passed away.

There are various types of trusts that can be used in California, and through a variety of methods, these can help ensure that assets go exactly where a person wants them to after they pass. A major benefit of a revocable trust planning is to maintain control of assets while they you alive and able to do so, leave a lasting legacy for your beneficiaries, and protect your loved ones until they are able to handle their own matters.

Attorney Cohen has extensive experience preparing a wide range of trusts, including the following:

  • Living trusts
  • Special needs trusts
  • Spendthrift trusts

Call Our Woodland Hills Wills & Trust Attorney Today

If you or somebody you love has decided to begin making estate plans, then you have probably heard some discussion regarding “wills” and “trusts.” However, understanding how to create a proper will or trust that is appropriate for you and your family’s goals and needs can be complicated. At the Law Offices of Andrew Cohen, our Woodland Hills estate planning attorney has a thorough understanding of California laws and how these intersect with proper estate planning. When you need a Woodland Hills wills and trusts attorney, contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or calling 661-481-0100.
