
Woodland Hills Power of Attorney Lawyer

A power of attorney (POA) is a legal document that allows one person to give control or authority of legal rights to another person to act on their behalf. There are various reasons why a power of attorney may need to be established, but one thing is clear – a skilled Woodland Hills power of attorney lawyer should be involved in this process. At the Law Offices of Andrew Cohen, you can count on having a dedicated attorney by your side to help you draft your power of attorney documents.

Why Choose The Law Offices Of Andrew Cohen

  • Every client at the Law Offices of Andrew Cohen receives personalized attention to ensure that their goals and needs are met.
  • Attorney Andrew Cohen offers clients a wealth of practical experience in both the legal and business arenas. He has been a licensed attorney since 1997 and has also worked in real estate development and marketing.
  • You can count on receiving individualized care focused on meeting your needs and the needs of your family.

Why Do You Need A Power Of Attorney

There are a variety of reasons why a person would need to establish a power of attorney, and not all POAs are exactly alike. When a power of attorney is established, the principal appoints another person (the agent) to act on their behalf. The agent is required to place the interests of the principal ahead of their own when carrying out the scope of the POA.

There are various types of powers of attorney that can be established in Woodland Hills, California. Let’s take a quick look at four types we help clients with:

  1. General power of attorney: An agent will generally be able to perform nearly all of the same actions as the principal, including making financial decisions. A general power attorney will terminate if the principal becomes incapacitated, passes away, or otherwise revokes the POA.
  2. A durable power of attorney: This type of POA designates another person to act on behalf of the principal and will remain in place should the principal become incapacitated.
  3. Special or limited power of attorney: This type of POA gives the agent limited powers over a certain area of the principal’s life. This could include granting the agent the ability to buy or sell real estate or control other investments.
  4. Springing durable power of attorney: This type of POA is designed to “spring” into place when a certain event occurs. For example, a springing power of attorney may only come into effect after a person becomes incapacitated.

When a power of attorney is in place, some of the actions that an agent may be granted to do on behalf of the principal include the following:

  • Power over that person’s finances
    • Access to the principal’s finances to pay for housing, health care, etc.
    • File taxes on behalf of the principal
    • Make investment decisions
    • Collect or pay the principal’s debt
  • Ability to make medical decisions
    • Control the type of care a person receives or does not receive
    • Control where the principal lives
    • Control which doctors and care providers the principal uses

Call Our Woodland Hills Power Of Attorney Lawyer Today

If you or a loved one are seeking information about establishing a power of attorney, please contact a Woodland Hills estate planning attorney as soon as possible. At the Law Offices of Andrew Cohen, we have a thorough understanding of the laws in California surrounding power of attorney documents. Attorney Cohen will handle every aspect of drafting a power of attorney on your behalf, including establishing the scope of the power of attorney. When you need a Woodland Hills power of attorney lawyer, contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or calling 661-481-0100.
