
Santa Clarita Conservatorship Attorney

When disabled or ailing adults can no longer safely and effectively care for themselves, another person in their life will need to provide assistance and decision-making. This other person can obtain authority and power to act on behalf of the incapacitated adult through a process called conservatorship. At the Law Offices of Andrew Cohen, our qualified and experienced team is ready to help when you need a Santa Clarita conservatorships attorney. We understand conservatorship laws in California, and we want to ensure this is done correctly and in the best interests of you and your loved one.

Why choose the Law Offices of Andrew Cohen

Establishing a conservatorship can be a necessary but challenging process. At the Law Offices of Andrew Cohen, you can count on having an attorney by your side who has extensive experience handling conservatorships and estate planning in California.

  • When you turn to the Law Offices of Andrew Cohen, you are gaining assistance from someone who has vast experience handling complicated estate and family planning issues.
  • Attorney Cohen will take the time to sit with you to discuss your needs to craft a personalized plan moving forward.

Why May A Conservatorship Be Needed

A general conservatorship in Santa Clarita, California, may be needed if an adult is unable to care for themselves or their finances due to their age or disability. A limited conservatorship may be needed when an adult is unable to manage some, but maybe not all, of their daily living.

Who Can Serve As A Conservator

The conservatorship process in California is handled through the courts. One person (the conservator) is appointed to be the decision-maker and manage the finances of another person (the conservatee). When a conservatorship is needed immediately, the court has the ability to grant a temporary conservator and then eventually appoint a permanent conservator. A Santa Clarita conservatorship attorney will be able to handle this entire process for you.

Various people may petition the courts to act as conservators in California. This includes:

  • The spouse of the proposed conservatee
  • Another relative of the proposed conservatee
  • A friend of the conservatee
  • A private professional with a fiduciary duty to the proposed conservatee

Additionally, the proposed conservatees may propose a conservatorship over their finances and daily lives. When applying for a conservatorship, it needs to be determined whether the conservatorship will be of a person or of the person’s estate.

  • A conservatorship over a person oversees the conservatee’s physical needs
  • A conservatorship over an estate oversees the conservatee’s financial matters

Why You Should Work With An Attorney For A Santa Clarita Conservatorship

If you have a family member who has not established an estate plan for themselves and is not able to manage their own finances (due to disability or age), then it is advisable to seek assistance from a conservatorship attorney.

When it becomes apparent that a loved one is beginning to lose, or has already lost, the ability to care for themselves, other parties could take advantage of them. An attorney will help handle this matter in a compassionate way and in the best interests of the proposed conservatee.

Call Us For A Free Consultation Of Your Case Today

If you or somebody you love needs help establishing a conservatorship over an infirmed adult, please seek legal assistance as soon as possible. At the Law Offices of Andrew Cohen, we understand that these are sensitive issues, and we want to help you get through this. Our Santa Clarita conservatorship attorneys will handle every aspect of this for you. You can contact us for a free consultation of your case by clicking here or calling 661-481-0100.
